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Tibetan Talent Phurbu T. Namgyal Joins TeachAIDS

November 25, 2015;

Phurbu T. Namgyal joins TeachAIDS as the inquisitive student character in the Tibetan language version

Phurbu T. Namgyal joins TeachAIDS as the inquisitive student character in the Tibetan language version, 06 November 2015

TeachAIDS is delighted to announce that singer/songwriter Phurbu T. Namgyal has generously donated his voice and likeness to the forthcoming Tibetan language version of the TeachAIDS HIV animations. Namgyal will play the inquisitive student who learns how to protect himself and his loved ones from HIV.

A self-taught singer and songwriter, Namgyal has been called the voice of Tibetan contemporary music since his debut album Shambala in 1994. Namgyal is a talented and prolific composer, having written over 100 songs for his 11 musical albums and collaborated with musicians in Tibet, India, the USA and Bhutan.  He has been the recipient of several prestigious Tibetan Music Awards, including Best Tibetan Music Album of the Year for With You in 2005 and Chak sum tsel in 2007.

Namgyal connects daily with Tibetans all over the world through his music, and has regularly donated his time and energy to important Tibetan social causes.  He was an Executive Board Member of the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota from 1998 to 2000 and is the Founder of, a website devoted to sharing Tibetan language, arts and culture with children worldwide. In 2013, he founded The Om Charity, which provides free medical support and health insurance premiums for impoverished Tibetans in India.

Namgyal notes that over recent months, he frequently heard “disturbing news about the spread of HIV in urban and rural Tibetan areas”.  Eager to use his celebrity to educate Tibetans around the world on how to prevent the spread of this infectious virus and recognising a “need for social leaders to propel efforts to protect Tibetans from HIV”, Namgyal teamed up with TeachAIDS.  He believes that “these education materials will be extremely beneficial for my people, especially those inside Tibet”. He adds, “I am so happy to be a part of it!”.

TeachAIDS welcomes Namgyal to our list of international cultural icons. It is a privilege to work with such an inspirational talent and a pillar of the international Tibetan community.

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