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Tibet is Not an Internal Issue of China

January 31, 2017;

by N.S.Venkataraman ( January 31, 2017, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian)

China has raised objections over the presence of Mr. Lobsang Sangay, Prime Minister of Tibetan government in exile, at a recent dinner hosted by the former US envoy to India in New Delhi.

The above objection only highlights the fact that China is so nervous about the increasing concern in the world with regard to the fact that China entered Tibet forcefully and occupied the country, evicting several Tibetans and forcing them to go into exile.

There is genuine global concern amongst the cross section of people in various countries over the plight of Tibetans. Such concern is the reason why the Dalai Lama, the venerable leader of Tibet and Prime Minister of the Tibetan government in exile are welcomed in many places in the world , though the governments officially may not do so fearing China.

Even after six decades of the aggression by China by occupying Tibet forcefully, the world continues to remain conscious of the injustice done to the Tibet by China and the world opinion is becoming stronger day by day that Tibet should get it’s freedom back.

China has said that it is firmly against any country’s official contact with Tibet in any form and would oppose any country’s interference in Tibet related issues , in what it terms as China’s internal affairs.

It is high time that China should be firmly told that Tibet is not an internal issue of China and Tibet has been an independent country unjustifiably occupied by China as part of it’s expansionist plans. China is now enjoying the fruits of aggression in Tibet and the world conscience does not accept this condition.

In spite of China’s protests, the Dalai Lama, the venerable leader of Tibet continues to enjoy tremendous popularity in the world and he is admired as a man of peace ,who has been reacting to Chinese aggression with high level of dignity. The recent reception given to the Dalai Lama by the Mongolian government is a reflection on the emerging global trend in favour of Tibet and this developing scenario has certainly shaken China .

In this context, the world is seeing through the aggressive game of China in claiming Arunachal Pradesh, province in India ,as part of China, apart from it’s aggressive stance and conflict with Japan over Senkaku Islands and conflict with Phillippines, Brunei and other countries with regard to south China sea.

China’s aggressive expansionist intentions have become very clear to the world community and there is realisation amongst several countries in east and south east Asia that China’s aggressive stance towards neighbours should be checked.

What is particularly important to note is that Tibetans living in exile around the world still keep their spirits high and swear by their motherland. Their very presence across the world remind the world conscience about the harm done to Tibet by China.

History has repeatedly shown that aggression and bad deeds do not pay in the long run. Obviously, China is becoming aware of these historical facts and is surprised that inspite of it’s strong opposition to any invitation to Tibetan leaders anywhere in the world, the Tibetan leaders are still invited in many countries. China finds that it’s economic and military power and consequent strength by itself cannot undo the image that it has gained over the years as an aggressive country with no value towards fair relations with neighbours.

Tibetans around the world should see the writing on the wall and continue their peaceful and vigorous campaign demanding freedom for Tibet and liberty for Tibetans. World is looking at Tibet with great concern and China will have no alternative other than bowing down to the world opinion and give up it’s occupation of Tibet soon.

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