His Holiness at the inauguration of Drepung Loseling Centre for Meditation and Science in Mungo
Photo: OHHDL
His Holiness has continued his 20-day South India tour, continuing to stress the importance of pursuing modern education as well as the ancient Buddhist knowledge.
After a two-day teaching session in Mumbai, His Holiness travelled to Mundgod, Karnataka. On December 12, he gave a public talk in Doeguling Tibetan Settlement. Aside from expressing his continuous commitments in contributing to the well-being of 6 million Tibetans, the Dalai Lama reminded them of their responsibility to preserve and study therichTibetan Buddhist teachings. He encouraged the audience to critically examine the teachings of the ancient philosophy, rather than simply believing in them.Speaking to young Tibetans, His Holiness urged them to excel at modern education while studying the ancient teachings, as he believes in the importance of mastering the two streams of knowledge when spreading peace and human values.

Photo: OHHDL
On December 14, His Holiness inaugurated the Drepung Loseling Meditation and Science Centre. The scientific approach in studying Buddhist philosophy was again a major theme in his speech and he encouraged the students to become “21st century Buddhists” who would “thoroughly investigate” the teachings of Buddha using modern education. The audience included the institution’s 11 staff members and 474 students.
His Holiness reiterated the same message on the following day when he inaugurated the newly constructed covered debate ground at Jangchub Choeling Nunnery. “Buddhism is not dependent on faith alone; it relies on reason and logic”, he said. His speech was followed by a demonstration of philosophical debates by the nuns. The nunnery was founded in 1986 by a group of 18 nuns and currently hosts 250, including five who have achieved the Geshema degree, or doctorate in Buddhist philosophy. They were members of the first ever group of Buddhist women to do so last year.

Monks listening to His Holiness
Photo: OHHDL
Leaving Jangchub Choeling, His Holiness moved on to Ganden Lachi Monastery in Karnataka where he was greeted by 8,000 people who gathered for his teaching on Tsongkapa’s Three Principal Aspects of the Path.
His Holiness is completing his tour with visits to Bylakuppe on December 18, followed by a visit to Bengaluru from December 24 – 26, returning to Delhi on December 27.