
Sep 26: Lobsang Kunchok,18, along with Lobsang Kelsang set fire to themselves while shouting “Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama,” in a protest also held in Ngaba county town. The Chinese official extinguished the fire and took both the body into custody. Currently they were believed to be in hospital.

Sep 26: Lobsang Kelsang,18, and Lobsang Kunchok,18, from Kirti monastery set fire to themselves while shouting “Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama,” in a protest also held in Ngaba county town. After extinguishing the flames, police took the two young monks into custody.

Aug 15: Tsewang Norbu, 29, a monk from Tawu county, Karze died after setting fire to himself and calling for freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet. Tsewang drank petrol before immolating himself and died soon afterwards, according to source of Tibetan exiles. A hotel receptionist near the scene of Tsewang Norbu’s death told AFP that the monk had been distributing leaflets, saying: "I saw a monk lying on the ground and burning, he died right in front of the county government building." The state media confirmed that Tsewang Norbu had been swiftly cremated on Wednesday, August 17.

Mar 16: Phuntsog, 20, immolated himself on March 16, the 3rd anniversary of a protest at Kirti in 2008 during which at least 10 Tibetans were shot dead. Police extinguished the flames and were seen beating Phuntsog before he died, according to Tibetan exiles in contact with Tibetans in the area. Phuntsog shouted slogans including "May His Holiness the Dalai Lama lives for 10,000 years!" The protest broke out later against the Chinese authorities by hundreds of monks and laypeople. Police broke up the protests, detaining an unknown number of monks and beating Tibetans involved. An account of the aftermath of the self-immolation: Kirti monks intervened when police were beating Phuntsog and took him back to the monastery before ensuring he received medical treatment. The Chinese authorities’ official statement included the false claim that the monks "forcibly took [Phuntsog] out of the hospital."

Feb 27: Tapey,20'sa Kirti monk from Ngaba county was shot by security personnel when he set himself on fire as a form of protest after prayer ceremonies at his monastery were cancelled. Early in the afternoon, according to at least two sources including one who spoke to an eyewitness, Tapey walked alone to a nearby crossroads in the market area of the town. He had already doused himself with oil by the time he reached the crossroads. He then set himself on fire and raised a home-made Tibetan flag that had at its center a photograph of the Dalai Lama. When Tapey began to shout slogans, People’s Armed Police (PAP) personnel stationed nearby opened fire, and Tapey fell to the ground. Reports indicate that the PAP extinguished the fire after Tapey was shot and he was immediately taken away by police. His current where about is unknown.