Photo: OHHDL
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s has recently concluded a three-day teaching on teaching on Chapter Two of Dharmakirti’s Commentary on Valid Cognition (Tsema Namdrel) in Tsuglagkhang, the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, the seat of his exile home. The teaching was at the request of a group of Taiwanese.
During the teaching, His Holiness sent a special message to the Tibetans living inside Tibet who have been facing the Chinese government’s complete lockdown policy since August, imposed in the name of the Covid-19 pandemic. His Holiness urged them not to be “disheartened” by the temporary problems and sent them reassurances that the truth will eventually prevail. He said that there will be a time for the reunion of Tibetans inside Tibet with those living in exile. Reports of the inhuman treatment of Tibetans living under this policy have surfaced on various online platforms, with videos and photos of the conditions – despite the Chinese authorities’ attempt to suppress this information by punishing those who share what is happening.
The following is His Holiness’s full message, as published on the International Campaign for Tibet’s website:
Currently, it is reported that Tibetans inside Tibet are facing severe restrictions as a result of the coronavirus pandemic’s spreading in Tibet. The public is facing great difficulties. To some extent, the Tibet-China struggle is linked to the Buddha’s teaching. The Chinese can never change the mindset and behaviour of the Tibetan people, which are rooted in their religion and culture. Rather, the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and its associated culture will gradually spread further and further into China itself.
You do not need to feel disheartened when faced with temporary difficulties. We Tibetans have a unique karmic connection with Avalokiteshvara, who is our guardian deity. Therefore, you should pray to the three enlightened deities in Lhasa: Jowo Lokeshvara, Jowo Shakyamuni and Jowo Akshobyavajra.
Although you are physically distant from me, since we have an uncommon connection based on our karma and prayers, you can think of me, Gyalwa Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama.
What is most important is that you should feel at ease and trust that the truth will eventually prevail.
As for myself, I am now 87 years old and in good health. My doctors have assured me after examining me that I will live for another 15 to 20 years. So, you Tibetans in Tibet, please feel at ease and be happy.