Quarantine facility at Tibetan youth Hostel in Bangalore
Photo: Phayul
The devastating second wave of Covid-19 in India is hitting the Tibetan exile community. On April 29, India reported its sharpest increase in new Covid-19 infections and its daily death figure has hit a new national record at over 3,600. The reported cumulative total cases among Tibetans in India and Nepal is 2,175 to date, of these, 1,693 have recovered, 431 are active, and over 51 have died. 15,457 Tibetans so far have been vaccinated. Monasteries and institutions are being especially cautioned to take precautions to prevent infection.
A cluster of cases has been reported at the Tibetan Youth Hostel (TYH) in Bangalore where the situation is worsening, with 45 people infected. The Tibetan Youth Hostel in New Delhi, despite being in one of the worst hit areas of this deadly second wave, has reported no cases since the pandemic began – it has remained closed from the beginning of the first lockdown in India.
Tibetans are joining the worldwide movement to raise funds to help combat the disease as Indian medical services are overwhelmed. Large numbers of Tibetans are following the lead of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who made a donation to the Indian PM-CARES fund in recognition of the debt of gratitude to India for all India has done for Tibetans over the years. Tibetan monasteries, individuals, organisations and officials and employees of the Central Tibetan Administration are all making contributions.