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When and how Contact will re-emerge and evolve will be determined by those who become involved.

China committing religious oppression by destroying Larung Gar: Tibetan PM

November 7, 2016;

IANS, 5 November 2016

Panaji: China is committing religious oppression by ordering the destruction of the Larung Gar monastary in Tibet, Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile Lobsang Sangay said.

“The Chinese government should also respect rights of the Tibetan people. Their basic rights should be restored. At the moment the internationally famous Larung Gar monastery is being destroyed,” Sangay said while addressing the ‘India Ideas Conclave’ in south Goa’s Canacona village on Friday night.

“That kind of religious oppression should not take place.”

“India and China should have a relationship, economic social and cultural because large number of Buddhist are in China. This kind of a relationship is good,” he said.

Sangay lauded the ‘Make in India’ campaign, one of the flagship programmes of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“I think Modi’s ‘Make in India’ campaign is good. Now Indians will manufacture. You should have these policies in place. It is good,” he added.

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