The 68th Indian Independence Day was celebrated in a simple yet grand manner by Indians, Tibetans and Tibet supporters alike in the McLeod Ganj Main Square on August 15. Organised as a combined effort by three Tibetan associations – the Regional Tibetan Women’s Association, Students for a Free Tibet-India, and the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress – it saw a huge crowd gather to celebrate what the day stands for, namely freedom, unity and togetherness.
Amidst the chants of “Jai Hind”, “Vande Mataram” and “Tibet will be free”, flags of india and Tibet were distributed alongside mini flag badges. After the Indian and Tibetan national anthems were sung in one voice, speeches were given by representatives of each association.
Jyotsna George, Campaigns Director of Students for a Free Tibet-India, told Contact Magazine, “This is a symbolic moment with Tibet and India coming together to celebrate one of the most iconic freedom struggles based on the principles of non-violence and truth.”

Three Tibetan organisations have organised the event at McLeod Ganj Main Square
Photo: Contact/Rohini
Tenzin Dolma, President of the Regional Tibetan Women’s Association, said, “I’m happy for India but sad that we don’t have our independence.”
Tenzin Migmar of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, said, “Indians have been very kind to us and I hope we can both celebrate our freedom in the near future together.”
The event ended with the distribution of delicious ladoos* to one and all present.
*Indian sweets