Tenzin Tsundue, 46, the Tibetan activist and writer based in Dharamshala, sets out on yet another solo mission – a month-long 500 kilometre peace march “Walk a Mile for Tibet” from Dharamshala to Delhi. He is raising awareness among the Indian people of the issue of Tibet as a missing link in the India-China conflicts, with the message that an independent Tibet would once again form a neutral buffer state between India and China.
Tsundue’s many high-profile stunts have raised the profile of the Tibetan issue over the years. Speaking about how his activism begin and grew, he said “I have always been inspired by the idea of freedom struggle and by Bhagat Singh’s struggle for the freedom of his country. These kinds of ideas pushed me towards working towards my activism. I do it for the freedom of Tibet and to empower India”.
Tsundue started his month-long march on February 12 and is planning to conclude on March 10 at Delhi. March 10 observed every year by Tibetans as Tibetan Uprising day, commemorating the 1959 Tibetan uprising in Lhasa against the People’s Republic of China’s occupation of Tibet. He is joined on the way by supporters and his publicity and promotions team.
In addition to raising awareness about the Tibet’s role in the India-China conflict, Tsundue is petitioning the Government of India to repeal its *One-China policy and he urges people he meets on the road and who follow him online to sign the petition en masse. Tibet support groups are taking up this message and starting their own petitions to complement his. On the road, Tsundue distributes pamphlets in English, Hindi and Punjabi and explain to people about China’s occupation of Tibet.
“Despite India’s adherence to One-China policy”, says Tsundue in the publicity for his march, “China does not reciprocate this policy. Instead, Beijing continues to stake claim to the entire state of Arunachal Pradesh, parts of Ladakh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, and Sikkim, and has dragged India to the UN on Kashmir.”
He continues, “If China does not respect One-India Policy, why is India condemned to this old defunct principle?”
Tsundue’s “Walk a Mile for Tibet” has received immense media coverage, especially from Indian media.
“A large number of people are happy that someone is doing something to empower India in responding to China” he said, speaking to the Indian Express, “I am getting a great response from people during this march. I am carrying a Tibetan as well an Indian national flag. People don’t usually expect or have rarely seen a Tibetan man carry both flags on his back. They are pleasantly shocked and want to know more”.
Tsundue also plans to lead a global campaign petitioning different head of states to repeal their One-China Policy and recognise Tibet, East Turkestan and Southern Mongolia as occupied countries, his campaign will include support for Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy and the independence of Taiwan.
*According to Wikipedia, One-China policy is a policy asserting that there is only one sovereign state under the name China, as opposed to the idea that there are two states, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC), whose official names incorporate “China”.